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Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday edition

I havent posted in awhile, again, I am not real consistant with this blog!LOL Today I did my measurements and am very happy I have lost a total of 11 3/4 inches between my legs, arms, hips and waist!! Yesterday I went to the family dr for my physical and to review blood work that I had done. It was a very good visit!! My weight was 142, down 6lbs. The dr laughed because I have refused to have my weight checked at his office for over 2 yrs! I never wanted to know what their scale said,now I LOVE to get weighed. My total cholesterol is down my HDL and triglicerides are in the normal range, which for me is AWESOME! I attribute those good numbers to the fine grade of fish oil I take daily, the exercise and watching what I eat. My LDL and my total cholesterol still need to come down further. I have something natural to take for the LDL so I am going to take it faithfully for the next 3 mths then I am to get my blood done again. I also have a urinary tract infection which I am taking antibiotics for. I dont like taking them, but I also dont like the terrible feeling of the infection:(

I seem to have gotten into an every other day schedule with the gym. I have plantar fascitis in my left foot so I cant do extreme cardio, like the hr on the treadmill that I like, but I can still ride the bike so that is pretty much the cardio I do. I just do upper or lower body workouts too. This foot problem is NOT going to keep me down or FAT!!! LOL

I have worn a few pants and shirts that I could never wear because ever since I bought them they were too small!! They were the right size but fit WAY to tight!! Now they fit really good!! 1 pair of pants I wore is actually, according to my kids, to big now! I wore them to church and when we came home the kids told me not to wear them again because they wer to big. I was so happy to hear that :) I had Bree take a picture of my one night to post but when I saw the picture I made her delete it. I didnt like the way I looked and was actually embarrassed because I felt like I was doing so good, but felt I looked so heavy in the picture. When I look in the mirror I feel good, when I wear clothes that I couldn't wear I feel great, when I look at a picture I feel fat. I am going to work on this but for now, I am not ready for a whole body shot.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun in the snow!!

Today we went sledding and I had a BLAST!!! It is the first time in probably 10yrs that I have done it. Between being pregnant, having a little one, or having an injury I have been the one to stay home. But now, look out, I am the one going down the hill screaming AHHHHHHHH!!!! and laughing!!! LOL Getting out and enjoying all that God has to offer is my new thing. Kevin did hit his head and that really scared me, but he seems to be fine. I had energy that I dont remember having, even as a kid, to keep going back up the hill. Thank you to everyone that was there: Joe, Kimmy, Kevin, Joey, Krystin, Carole, Bill, Alley, Carley, Joe, Debbie, Rick, Carla and Brittany. What a great group of family and wonderful friends, I am so blessed:) I didnt go to the gym today since I knew we were going sledding, I figured that would be an amazing workout, and I think it was, we were out there for 2 straight hours. We will be back tomorrow:) I guess we will know who all got hurt the worst by who cant do it again tomorrow. We had some of the "boys", (the guys who THINK they are boys) all jumping over a hump together and they all ended up with some sort of injury.

Went to the gynecologist Friday for my check up that was 5 mths late! Everything looked and felt good, she said, YEAH!!! Now the GREAT news, I was 8oz lighter than I was on Monday when I got weighed!! I was so happy, I think I was the happiest person at the gyno that day!! LOL I had heavier clothes on than I would ever wear for a weigh in, I had NOT been to the gym since Tues, due to the weather and I had eaten alot more bad food than I should have;) The only down side to the appt was that I am now starting menopause! UGH!!! I thought I was, but she pretty much confirmed it. Boy, do I wish my mom was here so I could talk to her about it. When I was pregnant and couldnt sleep I used to call her because it didnt matter what time it was, she would stay up and talk to me, or when I had anxiety attacks in the middle of the night and Joe was at work, she would be there for me, I think I depended on her more than I ever realized. I really miss her :(

All in all, this snow has taught me that I don't have to be a "snatter", Caroles word she made up, means SNOW HATER. I can love all the seasons and appreciate what each has to offer. I also like learning so much about myself and that I can be open and receptive to changing how I feel about things :) God is good!!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowy day, again.

Monday was weigh in. I wasnt sure what to expect, but just decided that whatever it was, it was so just do it. Well, through a bad week physically, but a GREAT week with mental realizations, I lost 1.2 lbs!!! YEAH!!! That to me, is a great week!! I am gradually putting my workouts back to where they were before last week.

Now I have developed a new problem that could stop me today from working out, but I refuse to let it. I had plantar fascitis surgery on my right foot back in June, and I think I may have the same problem now in my left foot, UGH!! Something is definately going on and it is now effecting my achilles tendon. I have an appt tomorrow with an orthopedic surgeon, so I will see what he says. He need not ask me to stop working out because that isnt going to happen! When I called to schedule the appt I was told that the dr that I always see, Dr. Bills, is out on an emergency sick leave. I felt like I was going to cry, he has operated on me 5 times over the course of 15 yrs. and I have so much faith and confidence in him. The office put me in with another dr that Dr. Bills' PA Steve is working with now. I really like Steve too, so I am glad that I will atleast see him. I never have much luck with PT, I seem to always need a surgical fix so I will be very nervous about having to trust another dr to fix me. I am putting this in Gods hands and however he wants this to work out, I will accept.

Today it is snowing AGAIN, so I will not make it to the gym. I think I will do some Just Dance and some shoveling, so that should be good for burning quite a few calories. Carole came over last night and we played Just Dance, I have to admit, I suck!! LOL Carole is really, really good. I have NO rhythm, I think my sisters and my daughters got it all because they are all good dancers. LOL Carole is having a problem with her knee so we couldnt play to long. I would really appreciate it if you guys could please say a prayer or just send good thoughts to Carole that her knee will be ok, she is very stuborn and wont go to the dr, but I dont like to see her suffering.

I made brownies yesterday to take to my sisters for dessert and I ate several, and they were GOOD!!! I made them with applesauce and used the fudge like recipe, so they are really gooey, YUM!! I figure they cant be too awful bad since there is no oil in them.

Everyone have a great day. Becareful in the snow and have fun! We are going to make chocolate chip cookies in a little bit and then maybe play a game. The kids are being really good, but I know they will eventually want to kill each other! LOL
Love to all!!!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tough realization

Tuesday was one of the toughest days since I started this journey. I had a realization that I could very easily go back to my old way of emotional eating. I had eaten several handfuls of m&ms, some valentine hearts and a value size chocolate shake from BK. I dont just eat when I am sad, emotional eating for me is any and all emotions. When I was laying in bed Tues. night this all hit me and I cryed and prayed because I was scared. Scared that I could so easily go back to my bad habits, scared because I wouldnt live a long, healthy life with my husband and kids. That was a real turning point for me and I believe that God was such a part of it. I ask Him to help me when things get tough, but that was one time I realized that help wasnt all I needed. I need Him to hold me and stay right next to me in my food struggles. With Him I can do better, without Him I will stray :)

I have been paying for my eating mistakes physically. You see, I am allergic to chocolate and as much as I like to eat it, my body does not like when I eat it. So, between the upper body workout I did on Tues. and the chocolate I ate on Tues., I have been in alot of pain. I am hoping that today will be a better day. When I am in physical pain I get very moody. I get sick of hearing myself complain so I dont like to say anything, but I dont feel good.

I am going to go to the gym today, I dont know how much of a workout I will get in, but I will go and see what happens.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Weigh-in Monday

Ok today was weigh in. I only lost a WHOPPING 2 oz!!!! But I lost 2 more inches, so I am really ok with this. I would like to see more on the scale, but losing inches, I think, means I am doing this the right way :) Tomorrow Carole and I are going to change things up with our workouts and start doind the eliptical. In the past I have always tired very quickly on the eliptical, so I will see how it goes. I am planning to rev it up gradually. I never thought I could do an hour on the treadmill at the level I do, so I guess anything is possible :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I went to the gym today a little later in the day than I like to. I decided that I wouldnt go at that time anymore, 10:45am Sun., but I still had an amazing workout. I did 1 hr 15 min on the treadmill for a total of 637 calories burned!!! I did not like how I felt afterward though, so I will not push myself that much anymore. I will stick with the 1 hr, 500 calorie plan. Tomarrow is Monday which means time to weigh in! I am anxious to see how I did this week. I will post how it goes.

Saturday was the banquet at Joe's firehouse. I was very careful all day of what I was eating because I wanted to be able to have more freedom at dinner. I skipped the rolls at dinner, which was very hard for me because I LOVE rolls and butter!! I ate 1 smaller slice of roast beef, 1 slice of pork, red roasted potatoes and green beans. I did have desert and it was DELICIOUS!!! I was proud of myself that I was able to plan for it :)

I have several books that I get inspiration from everyday and one of them is the Dieters Prayer Book. I would like to share a page with you:

You are what you pray:
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

There's some truth to the old saying "you are what you eat". But you are also what you pray.

Any change on the outside begins on the inside. "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7, KJV). Because the spirit and physical body are inseparably linked, the role of prayer in transformation can't be over emphasized.

And neither can the role of faith. The apostle James tells us that if we doubt when we pray, we are like a ship tossed about on the sea. And how easy it is to doubt or become frustrated when you've been trying extra hard to eat right and exercise but aren't seeing the results you hoped for.

Today and everyday God is calling you to a life of faith - and to commitment to prayers that ring with certainty. No matter what YOU see happening, God is at work. "So do not throw away your confidence," wrote the author of Hebrews, "it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised" (Heb. 10:35-36).

I believe very much in God's plan for me and for everyone. I also know that prayer is so important in my life and I am happy to incorporate it into my weight loss journey. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday Dinner

I had a good workout this morning, yeah!!! Did good eating yesterday and today, then WHAM!!! I had Taco Bell for dinner, which is fine. I planned ahead, knew that a regular taco was 170 calories then I decided to get Nachos BellGrande when I was there. I hadnt checked them ahead of time, but I now know that I will NEVER order them again!! 770 calories!!! OMG!!! I feel fat just reading that!! Its definately a mistake that I will only make ONCE!!! I'm not going to beat myself up over it, now I know better and as long as a lesson was learned then its worth it :) I will have to do some sort of working out tonight to get rid of it ;). Oh and I did NOT eat the whole thing, I figure I ate about 1/2 of it. The kids ate the rest.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hip loss

Ok, it is finally happening!! My hips are keeping up with the rest of me and they are shrinking!! I have lost an inch in my hips!!! YEAH!!!!!

Went to the gym this morning, but didnt have a great workout. ONly did 30 min on the treadmill, then 20 min of weight machines. I went at an odd time, 7:15am and I didnt like that time, I felt out of my element. I need to go at 6:30am or 9am. Tomorrow will be 9am. I helped out at MOPS today at the church at 9:30 so I couldnt go at 9am.

On a personal note, my sister Jenn is at St. Mary's. She has been throwing up and in such stomach pain since last night. PLease pray that it is nothing serious, I love her so much.

Monday, January 25, 2010

"Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels".

The title states my new mantra! It says it all about losing weight. Today we weighed in and I lost 1.8 lbs!! I am so happy! My goal is 2 lbs a week, but I will take 1.8! I have also lost 2 inches in my waist over 1/2 in in each arm and 1 in in each leg! I find myself wanting to go to the gym twice a day, so far I havent but I probably will soon.

I am now approaching the danger zone for me! I have been 144 lbs before, but havent been able to go under that because it is my sabatoge zone. I would get there and get comfortable and allow myself to eat what I shouldnt. I dont feel that way this time! I actually am very excited that 1 week from now I will be LESS than 144 for the first time in YEARS!!!!! I guess that is my first short term goal, allowing myself to get below 144. I did get alittle below 144 when I was on Jenny Craig a couple years back, I just thought about that. But, to me that doesnt really count. I am doing it the RIGHT way this time. I am in control, I am in charge, I have to answer to myself for my decisions. No one to tell me what to eat, set up a meal plan for me, nothing! I am so proud of myself, who knew I had it in me!! LOL

I am up to a level 7 on the treadmill in the weight loss catagory. I love it!! The speed varies and the incline varies. When the speed is up I run, which I am doing more and more. A few months ago I couldnt have done it. Now I am able to do it AND talk while I do it!!

I am also now realizing how much, for me, this isnt about weight loss. It is about all of the other things in my life that have kept me from being who God wants me to be and who I want to be. I do not believe that it was just a "ahha" moment that made Carole decide that we should try this "biggest loser challange". I believe that it was God planting that idea. And atleast for me, He is along for my ride :) He is giving me strength, when I ask, not just in my struggle for what to eat, but in giving me the physical strength to work out everyday, the mental clarity to know when my food choices are bad and going to hurt me, and the mental strength to push myself when I get down, because I do. I have hormonal days just like everyone else when an icecream sundae and a blanket on the couch would make me very happy, but I don't give into it. I will one day, but just not this day :) I am so thankful that God has planted His desire in me and that I am seeing it through, with His help, of course. All the Glory to Him!

I am also getting some really awesome quality girl time in at the gym. I love to workout with Carole, but that doesnt happen as often as I would like. I got to workout with a neighbor, Karen and my really good friend Maria today. Talking while on the treadmill is great therapy!! LOL

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haven't posted in a while

Ok,ok, I know I have been really slacking off on my blog, not a good idea :( So yesterday, Tuesday, was weigh in day for this week. We changed it because the kids were off on Monday and it was easier to do it after we all took the kids to school on Tues. I gained .8 of a lb. this week. Not that bad considering what I ate. I will always be honest about what goes into my mouth, no excuses. We went to Great Wolf Lodge and I bought fudge. Now one might say, "Stupid idea when your trying to change the way you eat". However, I will not deprive myself of the little things in life. I LOVE fudge and only get to have it, usually, from the shore in the summer. I was not passing it up! and boy, was it good!! LOL I also ate way to many carbs, all week, I was really craving them. On a GOOD note, I measured myself today and I have lost 1 1/2 inches in my waist and that makes me SO HAPPY!!!! I also lost 1/2 in. in each arm. Legs and hips stayed the same, but they will have no choice but to shrink in time :)

I set a goal for myself this week to up my work out and add 15 min. of weights everyday. Today was the first day and I kicked it big!!!! I did over 1 hr on the treadmill and then did about 20 min of weights, today was legs.....I was quite proud :) I still love going to the gym everyday. I used to envy people that were like that especially my son Joey, he "needs" the gym, I think I am actually there and I am LOVING IT!!!!

I am making barbeque chicken for dinner, Oh NO!@! I just realized as I am writing this that we dont HAVE any barbeque sauce....I will be back. Going to the store!!!

I'm back. I bought a new bbq sauce, "Stubbs" it didnt have any high fructose corn syrup and only 30 calories in 2 tbsps. I will let you know how it tastes.

The family is also having some garlic, cheesy potatoes for dinner, but I will be having black beans, I really like them so it is a good swap for me and we will all be having broccoli.

Anyway, the reason I started talking about the chicken was because when I took the chicken out of the freezer there were 3 lg breasts and 1/2 of one and I thought that wouldnt be enough. Then it hit me, the 1/2 of one is MINE! It is the size of my closed fist, which is what a portion is suppossed to be, but because I have always been used to eating such large pieces of chicken, I forgot what a portion SHOULD look like :) I am so greatful to God that I am finally getting it!!!!

I will post more regularly so that my devoted followers will have something to read!! LOL
Love you all!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sore Wednesday

It is 5:50pm and I feel like I was hit by a truck!! It all started when I decided that I needed to do some other kind of physical exercise. I volunteered to help my dad stack firewood. I went to the gym at 9am and was helping him by 11:30! I do have to say that I was so very proud of myself. My stamina has increased so much and I know that is from all the working out I have been doing. I helped for 2 1/2 hrs and only left because I had to come home and get a roast in the oven. I felt like I could have stayed for a few more hours!! Well, it has hit me now!!LOL I am exhausted and so sore!! Joey and Krystin are coming over for dinner tonight, they are leaving for Texas tomorrow for her brothers' graduation from Air Force Basic Training. We are very proud of Airman Joseph Chrobak! Tomorrow I will have to go to the gym early because I have to get the oil changed in my truck in the morning and then take them to the airport. If I am feeling overly exhausted in the morning then I may not go to the gym, I will play it by ear and see.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well, I wasn't going to go to the gym this morning, as I posted yesterday, because 5am is just too early. But, God wanted me to go and he did it again! Yesterday a very good friend of mine, Maria, said that she would meet me this morning so I figured I had to go, I said I would and had to stick to my word. I got there worked out for 50 min, had to cut short to get home before Bree left for school, and Maria never came!! LOL Each time I think that I won't work out someone says they will meet me, but everytime no one shows up! This doesnt make me angry, but makes me realize what is really going on. God is keeping me on my journey and supporting me to stick with it :) I have to go to the church at 9:30 to work in the nursery for MOPS and I may need a nap after that:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday weigh in

Well today was our first weigh in and I accomplished my goal, I lost 2.2 lbs!! I am so EXCITED about that. 2 lbs/wk is a very realistic goal and one that I can keep off! I havent posted in a few days, I just forgot about the blog! I have been going to the gym EVERY day, even the days I don't really want to God puts things in place that get me there and I am so greatful to Him!! Today was a good workout. I realized that the eliptical take alot more work than the treadmill, so that only lasted about 15 min! Back to the treadmill and that was for an hour. Tomorrow I don't think I am going to go to the gym, I will have to go at 5am and I have realized that when I do that I don't have a very productive day because I am exausted early. Valentine hearts (one of my favorite candies) are out now. Sat. I bought a bag and seperated it into 1 serving bags and gave them to Joe. He is to give me one serving each day, 60 calories, so that counts as a snack for me. I am going to do what Amanda said and not deprive myself. I want to be able to eat right even after the challange is over, but not give up what I love! We went to Olive Garden last night for dinner, I made a very healthy choice for my dinner. When I got home and went online to check the calories I found out the salad was really high in calories, its the oil/vinegar dressing they put on before they serve it that is really bad! You could eat 2 breadsticks for less calories than one serving of their salad!! I LOVE the salad that I eat for lunch sometimes, it has 3 cups of iceberg lettuce, 1/2 cup of southwest style corn and 2 oz of canned chicken. I make a dressing of 1 tbsp lowfat ranch dressing and 1 1/2 tbsp of salsa. It is sooo yummy and the whole thing (with ALL of the dressing) is only 211 calories, 5gms fat,22 carbs and 19 gms of PROTEIN!!!! Tonight is a crazy running night, kids get home at 4pm from school, Kimmy has dance from 5-6 and a basketball game at 6pm!! So dinner will be hotdogs, baked beans and a veggy as soon as they get home!! I bought myself some fatfree dogs and I will eat some beans and LOTS of veggies!!

I would be remiss if I didn't say Thank you to my husband and my kids for all of their love, help and support as I take this journey!! Joe does whatever he can to make sure I have time to workout, the food I need and the love to know how important I am:) I don't think my kids even realize how much they help me by just "being". They make me want to be here for them, to set a good example of how important it is to take care of your body, mind and soul. I love having alittle more energy to tickle them or to take them where they need to be or awake in the evening to "snuggle" with them :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday workout!

Great day at the gym!!! Did 60 min on treadmill 5% incline total of 459 calories!!! I am so psyched!!!! After that I went to Debbies house and all my girls were there doing some crazy workout video!! They were rocking! You girls are AMAZING!! I have such an amazing group of women that I am so fortunate to call my "friends" and I don't say that lightly. Carole, Debbie, Maria and Kimmie are each terrific people, great moms and FABULOUS friends! I love them all so much and just can't imagine doing this journey without them. Ok, enough, now its time to get a shower and do some housework :) Thank you God for all the gifts in my life and for helping me to see them :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday evening

Well, today I just couldnt control my chocolate craving any longer. It seems that, atleast right now, 2 days is my control limit! I had some Ashers Chocolates that my Aunt Nancy gave us for Christmas. I took the rest of the box and put it in the trashcan in the garage! I did 20 min. of "Just Dance" afterward because I was so mad and disappointed in myself when I entered the chocolate into my daily nutrition counter! I am going to do another 20 min with the kids now. Some would call that exercise bulimia, but I call it, paying for what I ate! I will pray for God to give me the strength to resist my cravings and keep me busy so I don't think about them. Tomorrow is another day and I will do my best to stay on track so I am not playing catch up. On a GOOD note, I did go to the gym this morning with Carole. I was only able to do 45 min on the treadmill because I was late getting to the gym and I had to meet Joe at Reedmans at 7:30 to drop my truck off. I had the treadmill at a 4-5% incline for the 45 min at 4 miles/hr, so that was GOOD!! I would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to my awesome husband Joe!! The battery died in my truck and before he went to work this evening he went and got me a new one! He didn't want me to not be able to go to the gym in the morning!! I love him so much and appreciate everything he does for all of us :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday Night

I am watching the Biggest Loser and thinking how they have so much more weight to lose than I do, but when I look in the mirror I see someone that looks like a smaller one of those people. When I see how hard those people work it makes me realize that my loss is possible, I just have to give it my all like those people do :) On a better note, I found Swiss Miss Sensible Sweets 25 calorie cocoa today! It tastes just like regular cocoa and satisfies a huge craving of mine ;) I am having a hard time getting all the calories I am suppossed to have. I am eating good and worry about going over by the end of the day so I end up with not enough. Tomorrow I will start trying to have 6 smaller meals a day and see how that works. Going to bed, have to be up at 5:30 am to get to the gym.


I went to the gym this morning. Outdid myself on the treadmill 4%incline for 60 min! So exciting to see how many calories are going bye-bye!! Carole joined me to workout today, that is also great, having someone to talk to makes the time go so fast. I have already eatin less calories than I did this time yesterday and I have NOT cheated at all!!!! Going to go do a workout to Just Dance on WII now :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday Morning

It is Monday morning 6:20am and I am getting ready to hit the gym! Going to drink a glass of juice first and eat some almonds as I read this is a good combo to have before a workout to burn optimal calories and burning calories is most important right now :)

The journey begins

Today is Sunday, January 3, 2010 and my weight loss journey is beginning. I am nervous and very excited to make these changes. I will definately pray for God to help me as I don't have alot of will power when it comes to sweets! The thought of being in great physical shape and knowing that I am doing everything I can to lead a long, healthy life is very exciting! I will post everyday, sometimes maybe more than once a day about how I am feeling and how the journey is going. My first goal is to lose 25 lbs by April 1, 2010. I am doing a "Biggest Loser" type program with 4 of my girlfriends and I really want to win! After that I will take my goals in small steps in order to keep the weight off and my health in top shape. I like to go to the gym, so atleast for now, that is easy to do everyday. I have to get the eating part down better. Sometimes I actually don't eat enough, but even when I'm not eating enough calories, I am eating to much bad fat, so that is a problem.