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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun in the snow!!

Today we went sledding and I had a BLAST!!! It is the first time in probably 10yrs that I have done it. Between being pregnant, having a little one, or having an injury I have been the one to stay home. But now, look out, I am the one going down the hill screaming AHHHHHHHH!!!! and laughing!!! LOL Getting out and enjoying all that God has to offer is my new thing. Kevin did hit his head and that really scared me, but he seems to be fine. I had energy that I dont remember having, even as a kid, to keep going back up the hill. Thank you to everyone that was there: Joe, Kimmy, Kevin, Joey, Krystin, Carole, Bill, Alley, Carley, Joe, Debbie, Rick, Carla and Brittany. What a great group of family and wonderful friends, I am so blessed:) I didnt go to the gym today since I knew we were going sledding, I figured that would be an amazing workout, and I think it was, we were out there for 2 straight hours. We will be back tomorrow:) I guess we will know who all got hurt the worst by who cant do it again tomorrow. We had some of the "boys", (the guys who THINK they are boys) all jumping over a hump together and they all ended up with some sort of injury.

Went to the gynecologist Friday for my check up that was 5 mths late! Everything looked and felt good, she said, YEAH!!! Now the GREAT news, I was 8oz lighter than I was on Monday when I got weighed!! I was so happy, I think I was the happiest person at the gyno that day!! LOL I had heavier clothes on than I would ever wear for a weigh in, I had NOT been to the gym since Tues, due to the weather and I had eaten alot more bad food than I should have;) The only down side to the appt was that I am now starting menopause! UGH!!! I thought I was, but she pretty much confirmed it. Boy, do I wish my mom was here so I could talk to her about it. When I was pregnant and couldnt sleep I used to call her because it didnt matter what time it was, she would stay up and talk to me, or when I had anxiety attacks in the middle of the night and Joe was at work, she would be there for me, I think I depended on her more than I ever realized. I really miss her :(

All in all, this snow has taught me that I don't have to be a "snatter", Caroles word she made up, means SNOW HATER. I can love all the seasons and appreciate what each has to offer. I also like learning so much about myself and that I can be open and receptive to changing how I feel about things :) God is good!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hate cold weather but love the snow. It's a visual of God's Glory. I just sit on the couch and look out my big bay window.
    Good for you to go snowing after all these years. I don't do that. Shoveling is the only thing I do outside, LOL.
    Everything that you have learned from your mom will now be passed on to your children. She was a special woman!
    Enjoy this snow day, love T
